Phone size is getting cray cray

October 4, 2014 at 1:40 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

Welcome readers,

So as I am determined to upgrade my phone this year as I held onto my current phone from 2012, I am now wondering if I should go big or go small. Screen size is definitely wonderful but it comes with a cost of not so friendly pocket storage.

As our phones turn into multimedia devices we long for bigger, but we were all satisfied with 3.5″ screens for a short while and what happened to that? Yes, it started with the first Samsung phablet. The craze began with bigger screens of 4.5″, 4.7″ and 5″. Samsung Phablet started 5.5″ with the note 2.

2014 and we now have 5.7″ screens with the Note 4. Apple joined in for the first time after a long run of cringing to their supposed perfect size of 3.5″, with making the iPhone 6 plus.  Apple fans finally can enjoy what android users have been enjoying for a while. While Apple have made a few firsts it was android who speeded ahead and made things a bit more forward while apple fans steadily and loyally waited for Apple to catch up.

Personally i believe that the iphone 6 plus is just a trial for consumers as Apple probably did not invest too much innovation as more important for them to receive feedback and user information. I say, be on the look out for the next build as Apple will be something amazing as for the currently Samsung note 4 is now.

So with this i present you with a question: when will the screen size enlargement end? Do you prefer a smaller screen or a larger screen and if so, how do you cope with lugging the large phone around?

Thank you for reading and feel free to comment about the questions I had.

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